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Living Guide for Foreign Residents

Information from Aoba Public Health and Welfare Center

School  Guidebook for Foreign Families

Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk reduction

Local activities


You can learn "Easy Japanese" from Japanese rakugo and cooking.

公共の公園 青葉ラウンジニュース

Aoba Lounge News is published three times a year.
Initiatives for multicultural coexistence and easy Japanese, events, Japanese language classes, etc.Yokohama City Aoba International Lounge ActivitiesIntroducing. (PDF format Japanese only)

Children's drawing.png

We have summarized the 20 years of the International Children's Art Exhibition in a commemorative magazine.

You can view it as an eBook.

© 1998-2022 Yokohama City Aoba International Lounge All Rights Reserved


  Monday and Tuesday   9:00-17:00

  Wednesday to Saturday  9:00-21:00
  3rd Sunday of the month and holidays  9:00-17:00


 Sundays( except the 3ed Sunday),and during the   year-end and New Year holidays.

76 Tana-cho, Aoba-ku



​Site policy

Phone: 045-989-5266



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