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High school entrance consultation session for junior high school students with foreign connections

You can get advice regarding going on to high school .

Date and time : Saturday, July 20, 2024, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Venue : Yokohama City Aoba International Lounge, Meeting Rooms 2 and 3

Teacher : Mr. Kiyoshi Takahashi

(Me-net Kanagawa Multicultural Coexistence Education Network, a certified NPO)

Participation fee : Free

Click here for details

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  Monday and Tuesday   9:00-17:00

  Wednesday to Saturday  9:00-21:00
  3rd Sunday of the month and holidays  9:00-17:00


 Sundays( except the 3ed Sunday),and during the   year-end and New Year holidays.

76 Tana-cho, Aoba-ku



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