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Aoba Lounge News

Aoba Lounge News is published three times a year.

We introduce the activities of the Yokohama City Aoba International Lounge, such as multicultural coexistence, initiatives for easy Japanese, events, and Japanese language classes. (PDF format Japanese)

Lounge news are available in the Yokohama Aoba International Lounge library, district center, library, Yokohama City PR box at the station, etc.

You can view the lounge news published so far in PDF version on our homepage.


No. 121 Published in March 2024

We don't know when a big earthquake will come!
- What should foreigners do during an earthquake?

LN121 大きな地震はいつ来るか分かりません

No. 121 Published in March 2024

We don't know when a big earthquake will come!
- What should foreigners do during an earthquake?

120号 みんなで防災訓練

No. 120 Published in November 2023

Disaster prevention together!!!


No. 119 Published in July 2023

Adding "Easy 7 Japanese" to the pictorial symbol

Along with logos, illustrations, and pictograms

Let's try using "easy Japanese"


No. 118 Published in March 2023

How can I convey this to foreigners?

How should I use easy Japanese? 

No matter how easy you write, it won't become "easy Japanese"


No. 117 Published in November 2022

Multicultural coexistence, a city where we can live happily together Let's speak in easy Japanese!


No. 116 Published in July 2022

Multicultural coexistence based on the life experiences of "foreigners living in Yokohama"


No. 115 Published in March 2022

Can the world living with the new coronavirus eliminate the three barriers to foreigners?

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